Mobile Libraries: Promoting Imagination and Learning Among Residents

Mobile Libraries: Promoting Imagination and Learning Among Residents Supporting Youth... Collaborating to Address...

Mobile Libraries: Promoting Imagination and Learning Among Residents

At Resident Resources Network (RRN), our Service Coordinators strive to partner with local community organizations to bring educational events to the varied affordable housing communities we serve. One major partnership that we forge in as many housing communities as we can is with local public libraries. Many libraries have “book mobiles” or “book bikes” and various other programs that come onsite to the housing communities and allow us to make books and other learning resources available to youth and their families.

Residents are able to check out books and movies just steps away from their front doors, and librarians can help residents register for a new library card onsite! Library staff also often bring fun activities, board games, and arts & crafts for children and families to enjoy while getting excited about reading. These events help to build a sense of community among neighors who share a passion for reading, and at the same time allow residents to be transported to far away or fictional places from the comfort of their own homes. These onsite events also eliminate barriers for residents who may not have easy access to transportation to travel to the library themselves.

Pictured properties and others where our SCs have organized a mobile library event include: Ashland Village, Villages of Roll Hill, Cypress Commons, Chadwick Place, Brower Commons, Glenwood Village, Findlay Commons, Lima Apartments, and Cambridge Village.