Resident Success Story: Yes, She Can!

Resident Success Story: Yes, She Can! Improving the Financial... Resident Success Story...

Resident Success Story: Yes, She Can!

Sahra and her family live at the Meadows Apartments in Marysville, OH. Sahra didn’t plan on a career in cleaning; however, she grew the dream and desire of financially bettering her family’s life after being bound by finances time and time again. 

Sahra began building her own cleaning business. She contacted Jane Hatcher, Resident Resources Network Service Coordinator, for resources and education on website building. Jane provided her with information on the YES (Your Employment Success) program: a free online career development course designed especially for women.

After completing the 6-week online courses, Sahra said, “It was really nice to learn new ways of communicating.” She applied those new skills while completing another free small business development course and feels more confident.

Sahra emailed Jane an update after completing her first course and said, “Thanks for sharing all the wonderful resources. I really appreciate it!” 

Now, Sahra has a flyer made and is in the process of launching her website, advertising on social media, and even finding suitable grants for her new cleaning business. 

Big changes may show success, but this decision to move forward with a business is the first step. Development takes time, and we’re proud of Sahra for making this brave jump to better herself and proud of Resident Resources Network Service Coordinator Jane for helping get her there. 

Good luck with your new business, Sahra, and thanks for your help, Jane!